Approximate 30mm x 25mm
Enhances life force, courage, strength, and vitality. It aids in recovering from illness and in following one’s life purpose. It can also help to bring one’s lower self into the service of the heart. balance and integrate Mind, Body & Spirit. It opens our hearts and inspires compassion for others. It gives us the courage to face difficulties head-on, with honesty, determination, creativity, and practicality. With its unique coloring, it encourages the best possible combination of love and passion.
Dragonstone) are Fossil mud balls that were formed over 50 million years ago, sea life that was killed in volcanic eruptions decomposed, and their shells were chemically attracted to the mud. Promotes teamwork, positive transformation, patience and endurance and is useful in times of change and upheaval. discovered in Tshipise, South Africa. It is made up of Red Piedmontite and Green Epidote.
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