Lapis Lazuli – Symbol of Friendship
Aids creative expressions. Augments strength vitality and virlity. Facilitates mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
Meaning of the Tree of Life
Tree of Life – Rooted in the Earth – reaching for the Stars
The Metaphysical meaning of the image of the Tree of Life is simple.
You are a child of the Universe.
You have the right to exist
You have the responsibility to grow to be yourself
The meaning of the Tree of Life as a spiritual symbol is well known and, like the tree itself, many branched and deeply rooted.
The Tree of Life can be thought of as your own Cosmic Family tree, telling ancient stories of your shared roots which link you to the past, showing your connected struggles and aspirations; your desires to reach for the Light.
The Tree of Life crosses all cultures because the Ancients could see trees close up all of the time… the symbolism of the sprouting seed, growing into a trunk and branching off, sending out smaller branches and little twigs, to see what they may accomplish, was not lost on them. The Tree became a common symbol, then, of life, ancestry, mythology, lessons of the spirit, history, lineage, hope for the future and climbing to the heavens.
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